Test Drive-In

Fiat was launching a new car (Toro) in Brazil, but the economical crisis is a huge obstacle to the car industry - in January 2016, car sales dropped by 38,8% in compariso ...

Meet Heaven

Meet heaven while you can. Campaign by Visit Brasil promoting tourism to the “heavenly” beaches of Brazil.   Agency: IsobarExecutive Creative Director: Mateus BragaC ...


According to research, despite its immense tourist potential, Brazil hasn't been considered a top destination for South American travelers. What is the main reason f ...

Safety Bike Radio

In an unprecedented initiative aimed at reducing the number of accidents involving cyclists in Brazil, Isobar launched a device that alerts drivers about cyclists on the ...

Rolling Stone

In the old internet, 2008, there are less interactive ways than today. We create an unusual kind of interaction on a ad Banner. You could play guitar on it. Rolling Stone ...